How many miles must I go ?

How many miles must I go ? A thought that occasionally crosses my mind. It seems I’ve walked and walked as though I’m standing still. Maybe I’m walking through a bog. In the quagmire of life’s indecision’s and disappointments awaiting to swallow me down in the merky black ink. Still I wonder how much fuels left in the tank. Trudging ahead, on ward I go. Yet again how many miles must I go ? Those words echo from within. A good life lived. Built up a legacy from these dusty fields. Raised up a family and sent them out into the world to carve their own path. How much more do I have to give? The comfort in knowing that the job here was coming to an end. Knowing he did the best he could. Knowing everyone was well taken care of. So when the thought (how many miles must I go ? ) crosses my mind, I push on. I still have miles to go, and much to give.


Jamie Whorton ยฉ

8 thoughts on “How many miles must I go ?

  1. A good question for many of us who have been lost in the same thoughts. I’ve always felt that some of us go until we can go no further, simply because it’s in us to go I want to go as far as I can while I am able. A thought provoking piece, for sure.

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