Loving you

If time could be frozen stopped, and suspended in an endless moment, I would spend an eternity with you. If I could go back, and pick any memory to relive, I would pick our favorite day. If I could flip through this photo album touching any picture to be transported through the shades of Polaroid, I would choose a picture with you. Just to see you, to touch you, just to speak to you. If time could be rewound again, and again, I would warp it like my favorite cassette tape. Playing it until it would no longer play. Wearing down B side then flipping to A. Singing along to the song of you, Until my voice could no longer utter a sound.I would stay reliving that day. I would tell you that I loved you before we parted ways. I would tell you, I couldn’t imagine my life without you in it. A life without you would be dull, and faded. Absent of brightness, and warmth. If time could be frozen, suspended in an endless moment, I would spend that moment loving you.

– Jamie Whorton ©

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